Mullah Omar living in Quetta, Pakistan; under ISI protection, says captured Taliban spokesman
Pakistan has been playing games with the International Community on the War on Radical Islamic Terrorism. It has, from the very beginning, allowed Radical Islamic terrorist leaders like Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar to live under Pakistani Government protection. At the same time, it is taking large amounts of money, guns, missiles, and other military equipment from the US, claiming to need it to fight against Radical Islamic terror, while actually using it against India in Kashmir and against Baloch nationalist freedom fighters who have no ties fo Al Qaeda and have never committed any acts of terror against any civilians.
Both India and Afghanistan have been complaining about continuing Pakistani support to Radical Islamic terrorists attacking both India and Afghanistan. American soldiers and US military leaders have themselves gone on record saying that Pakistan is not a reliable ally in the war against Radical Islam.
Will the Civilized World keep its eyes closed about these heinous crimes Pakistan is committing in broad daylight against Indians and Afghans until Pakistan finally does something that may affect Western civilian populations directly ? Such as, give a suitcase plutonium bomb to an Al Qaeda terrorist to set off in downtown New York, San Francisco, Washington D.C., or Chicago ?
The US and Western Europe played political games with India and ignored Pakistan's virulent and vicious campaign of Islamic terrorism against India for over three decades; the price to pay were the attacks of 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, and more that may come any day. Continued Western tolerance of Pakistani terrorism against India and Afghanistan will, more likely than not, lead to a similarly or even more devastatingly high price for the West in the not-too-distant future.
You are either Civilized, or against Civilization. No political games. It is too dangerous to play with fire.
Just like it was too dangerous to play political games with Hitler, as the leaders of UK, France and USA did at that time, and if they had not been very very lucky, they would have lost the war, and the world would have been a barbaric and medieval Nazist place today. The Civilized World was very very lucky that Hitler was stupid enough to let Einstein Oppenheimer and a bunch of other brilliant German Jews to escape Europe and reach America, where they built what Hitler himself had been pretty close to building first: the Atom Bomb. If Einstein and Oppenheimer had been jailed or killed in Hitler's concentration camps, America might not have made the Bomb. Then Japan might have never lost the war, and could threaten Allied Powers in US Asia and Europe. If Hitler had managed to use Einstein and Oppenheimer himself rather than kick them out of Europe (many Jews worked for Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy, not knowing or not believing that Hitler was truly exterminating Jews) then Hitler might have made the Bomb first. Then Germany would have surely won the war.
It is very very dangerous to play with fire. We all know that.
The question is: will the thick-headed small-minded politicians of America and Western Europe get this simple idea into their little brains through their thick skulls in time to save the world ?
Or will they continue to focus on Muslim vote banks (like Chirac does in France with a 10% Muslim minority vote bank) and religious tolerance and political correctness (like the Liberals of USA do, blissfully ignoring the serious threats to the modern ideology of Liberalism, secularism, religious equality and tolerance posed by the ongoing rise of Radical Islam).
BBC reports:
![]() Muhammad Hanif was seen sitting in a dimly-lit room |
The spokesman, Muhammad Hanif, made the apparent confession to Afghan agents who videotaped the questioning.
Mr Hanif is seen sitting in a dimly-lit room telling agents that Mullah Omar is in the city of Quetta. Correspondents confirm the voice is his.
Mullah Omar has not been seen since 2001. Pakistan rejected the claims.
Afghanistan's intelligence agency distributed copies of the video CD to journalists on Wednesday.
![]() | ![]() ![]() Aftab Khan Sherpao Pakistani Interior Minister |
Although the voice is confirmed as that of Mr Hanif, the conditions under which he made his statements are not clear.
He is sitting in the video and heard speaking in a soft voice.
Asked about Mullah Omar, he says: "He lives in Quetta."
"He is protected by the ISI," Mr Hanif adds, referring to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai made similar allegations last year.
![]() Mullah Omar (C) and Taleban leaders are still at large |
Mr Hanif also alleges that former ISI head Hamid Gul is supporting the Taleban against Afghan and foreign troops.
The ISI was instrumental in backing the Taleban after civil war swept Afghanistan following the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989.
Pakistani Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao told the Associated Press news agency the claim that Mullah Omar was in Quetta was "totally baseless".
"We have no information on the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. He is not living in Pakistan.
"Afghan intelligence has made contradictory statements since the arrest of this so-called spokesman of Taleban. We don't know who this person is, and from where he had been arrested."
Afghan agents say they arrested Muhammad Hanif in the eastern province of Nangarhar near the border with Pakistan on Monday.
Two others travelling with him were also apprehended.
Nangarhar Governor Gul Aghar Sherzai said he had been picked up in a house which also contained what he described as packets of anthrax powder.
He did not say if the powder found was the deadly anthrax bacteria, or how much of it there was. Local intelligence officials and police would not confirm any discovery of anthrax.
Mr Hanif has been highly active over the past year, regularly e-mailing news organisations with the Taleban's version of events in the east of the country.
A man called Qari Mohammad Yousuf has performed similar functions for the Taleban in the south.
The two men were appointed after the capture in Quetta, Pakistan, of former Taleban spokesman Latifullah Hakimi in October 2005.
The Taleban have confirmed Mr Hanif's arrest.
On Wednesday, they named a replacement, Zabihollah Mojahed, the Peshawar-based Afghan Islamic Press reported.Labels: Pakistani terrorism
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